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Why You Need a Content Marketing Framework
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Build Your Content Strategy
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Demand Analysis to Reach Your Audience
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Execute Your Content Marketing Framework
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To do content right, you’ll need a content marketing framework. Sure, there are a lot of pieces to it, but it offers a huge payoff — attracting high-quality leads to your website.

Because the internet of today isn’t like the internet from 10 years ago. Content marketing no longer plays by the Field of Dreams adage “build it and they will come.” 

By now, several (million) websites have been built and they produce online content. But the majority haven’t had much traction getting visitors to become paying customers.

What’s the end goal of producing content? To generate leads! To attract the right people to your company who need what you’re selling. 

Content marketing can grow your audience, create more leads, and increase your company’s revenue, but only if you have a game plan — by developing your content marketing framework.

Want to produce better content that will generate more leads for your company? Then use our proven framework for lead-generating content marketing.

Why You Need a Content Marketing Framework

Content marketing is all about achieving your desired results (e.g., getting more leads, increasing revenue, etc.) by producing highly valuable content for your audience. 

In order to get the most out of your content, you’re going to need the structure of a proven framework.

Our framework guides you through the entire content creation process — from identifying the audience, gauging their interest, positioning your company, to actually producing and publishing the content and evaluating its results. 

Without the framework, you might blindly produce content for content’s sake, never fully understanding who your audience is, and unsure whether your content is actually pulling in new customers.

With this framework, you’ll have a highly scalable plan that’s well-thought-out and proven to get results (leads!) for your company.

Build Your Content Strategy

When we start working with a client, we meet for a discovery session. During this session, we learn everything we can — their audience, products and services, what makes them unique, and their competitors so we can begin formulating a content strategy.

Audience Development Content

Your audience is already online, will you meet your audience where they’re at?

First, it helps to better understand who we’re targeting. We recommend developing buyer personas to know exactly the kind of person we’re creating content for. 

If a product or service can help several different types of people, individually target each type of audience. After some time has gone by, analyze which content performed the best. 

After honing in on the specific type of audience that’s receptive to content, we’ll further refine our approach and continue producing content for that targeted audience.

Product and Service Content

Ultimately, what’s the basis of creating and sharing all of the newly created content? To sell products and services.

If you’re trying to sell something, then write about it, it’s that simple sometimes. 

Develop a strategy incorporating several types of content (blogs, reviews, case studies, infographics, videos, etc.) highlighting how your products and services have helped people in the past and how they can help people now.

Make the content about your audience first, rather than your company or products. It’s about fixing their pain points, not yours.

Comparison and Decision Content

The internet is incredibly oversaturated with content. To stand out from your competition, craft highly specific comparison and decision content.

If you’re looking to position yourself above the competition or to position one of your own products above another for a certain audience, we recommend writing comparison content.

Help your audience consider their options and make an informed decision about what will serve them best so that they can take action on their choice.

Demand Analysis to Reach Your Audience

Demand analysis involves doing background research and turning it into a plan to actively target your audience. This includes surveying the space online, looking at competitors’ websites, and researching the audience to see where demand lies.

Where is the audience? What sites do they use? Where do they get their information online? Are they on Facebook or LinkedIn?

We’re constantly asking ourselves this important question — How do we meet the audience where they are?

Find Your Channels – SEO, YouTube, Amazon, and Social Media

SEO involves blog articles and website copy, organic search traffic, and keyword-related work. For example, producing new blogs so readers will stumble on your website through Google’s Search Engine Results Page.

But content marketing doesn’t end with blogs. It continues through other channels, such as YouTube, the myriad of free social media platforms, and sites like Amazon that give companies another platform to sell on.

Recycle and repurpose content for several different channels to get the most out of what you’re producing.

Have an interesting YouTube video? Transcribe the audio and turn it into a blog post. Have a solid blog post? Turn the information into a YouTube video (it’s the second most used search engine after Google).

If you’re looking for a shortcut to get your website on the first page of Google’s results, consider PPC ads to give you a boost.

Creating content and publishing it with these different channels will also help you track engagement so you can further develop your audience and make it easier to attract and convert leads.

Build Information Architecture

What is Information architecture exactly? Well, it’s basically how you’re organizing and structuring all of your content so it’s easily accessible and consumable for your audience.

One example is having a well-designed website, but it’s more than just that. Information architecture encompasses all areas of content and your system for engaging your audience.

It’s also helpful for designing content that’s easily consumable for your audience. Create categories for your content that are easy to browse and a plan for what to distribute where.

Come up with a logical way that users can have immediate access to all relevant content, keeping them engaged longer. Look at how you can pull them through the funnel based on your information architecture.

Execute Your Content Marketing Framework

After we establish who the audience is, the types of content they want, and how it’s all going to be organized and presented, we have to produce the content itself.

Content Writing and Production

In many ways, these details can be challenging to execute successfully when deciding what to create and actually producing it well.

After working with the experts at your company to determine the target audience comes brainstorming and approving any topics or concepts you want to create content around. Each piece of content needs to hit all the right points, which could include SEO keywords, working on multiple channels, speaking to certain audiences, etc.

It helps to have team members who can each own part of the content writing and production. This could involve:

  • Outlining creative briefs
  • Writing
  • Researching
  • Editing
  • Creating visuals
  • Publishing
  • Tracking content

At Kaleidico, we have a dedicated Content Studio with several writers, SEO and PPC experts, account managers, graphic designers, and editors who are constantly producing high-quality content on a consistent basis.

Content Promotion and Distribution

After a polished piece of content is published, it’s time to work on promoting and distributing it to the target audience, wherever they are online.

There are multiple ways to go about this. Consider RSS emails. RSS feeds allow you to simply send emails automatically to your list when content has been published. 

Share content on social media or use it for landing pages if you’re using PPC ads. 

Consider working with a thought leader or partner who can share your products and services with their audience. Or cross-promote content on another credible website to tap into a new audience.

Need help getting started?

Have questions about how we’ve used this content marketing framework successfully? We can help you implement these strategies to get the most out of your content marketing efforts and reach more leads.

Schedule a discovery session with our team at Kaleidico today.

About Matthew Dotson
Matthew Dotson is a freelance writer experienced in blog, copy, and technical writing. He covers everything from marketing and digital advertising to technology and senior living. Previously, he worked for a Y Combinator tech startup in the Silicon Valley and traveled the country covering auto shows for Ford Motor Company. Matthew is also a multi-instrumentalist who composes, produces, and records original music. He enjoys photography, videography, fine art, and cinema.

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