Senior Living Website Design & Development

Reach more resident leads with a senior living website built to grow your business. Kaleidico designs and develops websites with the primary goal of generating qualified senior living leads, through proven user experiences and strategic sales funnels.

Optimize your senior living website to grow your business

Providing high-end care for residents has fueled senior living businesses, from those running day-to-day resident care, to senior housing investors and developers creating or expanding new facilities.

But how do you ensure you’re connecting to potential residents who need your services? You need qualified resident leads to help fill a new development or grow waitlists.

Maybe you’ve relied on referrals, bought leads, or have struggled to collect qualified resident leads through various marketing and sales channels.

Did you know that the best source of leads is to generate them on your own website?

With an optimized senior living website, you gain control of the journey seniors and their families take to find the right care, using a simple framework that builds confidence and converts.

Your website should be your most powerful and economically efficient source of resident leads. People are in need of your services, and they’re increasingly searching for them online. Let’s make sure they find you.

Working with Kaleidico, a senior living marketing agency, you get an expert team of designers, developers, and content strategists to optimize your website. Capture a larger audience to generate referrals, find qualified residents, and build your waitlist.

Optimizing your website can be clear, simple and effective. Connect with us to get started.

Who benefits most from lead generation websites

Do you sit in one of these categories of opportunity?

  1. Not generating internet leads at all
  2. Generating all leads from professional referral sources (doctors, home care, etc.)
  3. Buying all leads from lead aggregators
  4. Generating all leads at individual locations
  5. Generating all leads from direct mail or offline marketing
  6. Generating leads from paid directories

Each of these situations are fertile ground to build your own lead generating website that will increase the flow of targeted traffic.

Operating senior living communities

Senior living communities that want to welcome additional residents can reach potential seniors and their families through an effective website.

Since 2005, Kaleidico has tested our lead generation system. We’ve built an efficient framework for helping senior living communities with multiple locations create websites that are not only affordable, but that are also valuable investments for generating qualified resident leads.

Whether you’re looking for residents to fill empty rooms or your waitlist, your website can highlight your credibility, services and unique offerings within your local market.

Your website educates families about navigating the right levels of care, whether you offer independent living, assisted living, memory care, or all of the above. All of which attracts targeted traffic that you can act on converting now.

As families manage sudden changes in a senior’s health or they’re planning ahead for the long term, your website is a resource for them to understand their options and move ahead with confidence.

Senior housing investment, development, and expansion projects

When you invest in developing new senior living communities or improve existing ones, you create opportunities for care that didn’t previously exist in that market.

Once all is planned and developed, you need to fill these communities with residents. You don’t have to wait until the facility is built to prepare for occupancy. An optimized website begins building community interest in your project now.

In addition to connecting with residents, your website also builds trust in potential partners, whether you’re a business that invests in senior housing developments or you directly handle the development, construction, or property management. In each of these cases, your website can help you connect with partners who make the project a successful reality.

To begin warming qualified resident leads or potential partners, an optimized website helps users feel comfortable engaging with your organization to share their potential needs and interests.

This new traffic flows best into websites that build your credibility, educate partners and consumers, and allow them to compare and understand their options.

Senior living website framework built to meet your needs

Whether you’re ready to get started with a basic website using our simple, proven framework, or you prefer a more in-depth customized website and hands-on marketing support, Kaleidico provides exactly what you need to generate leads and reach residents.

These essential features are included on our website platform

  • Clear branding
  • Strategic lead paths and CTAs
  • Services landing pages built for conversions
  • Easy management and simple display of team information
  • Easy-to-find and manage locations and contact information
  • Prominently displayed reviews
  • Geo-targeted PPC campaigns
  • Tangible goals set up and tracked through Google Analytics

Beyond foundational features, we have additional content marketing offerings to provide dynamic senior care content and news, as well as strategic and custom SEO content.

This content educates and informs prospects, generating organic traffic in search results and helping to reach aged leads, while also supporting your other marketing channels like social media and email marketing.

Beyond organic traffic, paid digital ads target qualified leads directly

To increase traffic, we also run targeted pay-per-click (PPC) digital ads. These can include geo-fencing to hyper target your local market and even reach people who have visited other relevant businesses. These paid ads ensure that you attract more qualified leads.

Using paid Google Ads, we install a platform pixel on your website to drive traffic there. This places a cookie in the user’s browser and triggers a Google Ad on other websites they visit, encouraging them to return to your website — even when they weren’t actively thinking about their senior care needs.

What makes working with Kaleidico unique

Kaleidico’s senior living marketing-savvy team combines highly experienced strategists, exceptional web and user experience design, disciplined software development, and data-driven content, SEO, PPC, and email marketing.

We don’t do anything without asking, “how does this generate a resident lead?” This is our ultimate KPI and business objective.

Kaleidico has generated online leads for almost two decades. We continuously perfect our website optimizations in changing markets and with evolving digital marketing tools.

Over time we’ve created new and innovative senior living marketing programs, advising a range of businesses, from senior living operators to senior housing developers and investors.

With a holistic, human-centered philosophy, we design and test user experiences to rank, increase traffic, and bring in qualified leads who convert to satisfied residents.

Our combination of a proven process and an experienced senior living marketing team yields consistent lead generation results.

See how we can work together. Schedule a free discovery session with us now.

Our Process


​​It all starts with a simple conversation, which we call Discovery. We’ll get to know each other through a discussion where curiosity is encouraged.

Together we’ll learn about what makes your business unique, your objectives and how to reach them, as well as the ins and outs of your services. 

Sitemaps and information architecture

We’ll apply our strategic lead generation expertise to your needs as a unique senior living organization to shape the framework of your new website.

Our team will map out the path users will take to learn, engage, and take action. This includes planning both the physical and visual functionality, as well as the information, or content needed to optimize it. Along the way we’ll openly communicate to ensure our solutions fit your needs.

Website design and development

Once we’ve agreed on the direction for your website, our team will get to work building it, showcasing exceptional web and user experience design, enhanced by disciplined software development and a fast timeline.

We have an efficient and tested process for building websites from the ground up. When your site launches, it’ll get resident leads flowing fast.

Lead capture and engagement

Optimizing your website also comes with strategic lead capturing forms and clear Calls-to-Action (CTAs) that make it easy for visitors to engage with you. By optimizing your brand, design, and messaging, your new website will move leads through your funnels.

Our strategy in these areas provides a level of detail your competitors likely miss. And it produces unusually high conversion rates.

With your website optimizations, you can focus on nurturing your leads, building your resident waitlist, and hitting your occupancy goals.

Tell us about your needs. We’ll help you strategize your next steps to reach your goals.

Get started with our 90-Day Senior Living Marketing Plan

We’ve broken down our 90-day senior living marketing plan to help you optimize digital marketing and fill your resident waitlist, all while focusing on what you do best — providing high-end care to seniors.

Further Reading

Running Affordable PPC Campaigns for Credit Unions, Law Firms, and Assisted Living

Is Your SEO Content Strategy Relevant in 2023?

Assisted Living Marketing Plan for 2024