What's in this article?

Stage 1: Awareness
Stage 2: Consideration
Stage 3: Decision
Stage 4: Retention
Support every step of the way
Mortgage marketing ideas: The buyer’s journey FAQ

Sales and marketing experts have dissected the buyer’s journey for years.

This culmination of work resulted in the sales funnel, which generally includes some version of the following stages:

  1. Awareness
  2. Interest
  3. Desire
  4. Action

Each industry and each individual business is free to tailor the buyer journey to their own needs.

In this article, we’ll explore four main stages of the homebuyer’s journey through the lens of your mortgage marketing efforts.

Understanding these stages can help loan officers effectively tailor their mortgage marketing ideas to meet potential borrowers where they are.

The result? Strong mortgage marketing campaigns designed to convert and continually nurture clients.

Stage 1: Awareness

In the awareness stage, potential homebuyers are just beginning their journey.

They realize they need to learn more about the homebuying process and their mortgage options and begin to gather initial information.

Homebuyers are curious and looking for answers to questions like:

  • What is a mortgage?
  • How much can I borrow?
  • What types of mortgages are available?
  • What are current interest rates?

Buyers in Stage 1 are not ready to make any decisions but simply want to educate themselves.

To gain a basic understanding of the process, they will enter search terms on Google, read blogs, watch videos, and engage with content on social media.

They may also ask a chatbot like ChatGPT or Google’s Gemini for advice.

Mortgage marketing ideas for awareness stage

In the awareness stage, your mortgage marketing strategies might include the following:

  • Content marketing: Educational blog posts, videos, and infographics that cover essential topics like mortgage basics, types of mortgages, interest rates, and the steps of the mortgage process
  • Social media marketing: Actively engage with potential clients on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, and share your blog posts, videos, and infographics
  • Search engine optimization (SEO): Identify and target keywords that potential homebuyers are searching for, such as “how to get a mortgage” or “current mortgage rates,” and naturally incorporate them into your content
  • Educational resources: Host webinars on topics related to your audience and offer downloadable guides that provide in-depth information on relevant topics

In addition to the mortgage basics, keep in mind current trends and news to tailor your content strategy.

For example, in a high-interest market, you should educate potential homebuyers on the importance of pre-approval and highlight how interest rates impact their monthly payments.

This content will build a foundation of trust in the awareness stage and position your business as a valuable resource.

Stage 2: Consideration

Potential homebuyers have moved beyond basic awareness during the consideration stage and are actively comparing their options.

They understand what they need and seek detailed information to help them make informed decisions.

Homebuyers are considering factors such as:

  • Which mortgage type is best for me?
  • What are the pros and cons of each option?
  • What are the current mortgage rates, and how do they compare?
  • What are the lender’s terms and conditions?
  • How much will my monthly payments be?

During this stage, buyers are more likely to engage with content that provides comprehensive information and addresses their specific concerns.

Mortgage marketing ideas for consideration stage

Your mortgage marketing campaigns in Stage 2 might include:

  • Email marketing: Targeted email campaigns tailored to the homebuyer’s behaviors and preferences, including educational content that helps buyers compare options
  • Webinars and live Q&A sessions: Host discussions of various mortgage products and current market trends
  • Guides and ebooks: Create in-depth guides that cover specific mortgage products and comparison criteria, and use these resources as lead magnets in exchange for contact information
  • Detailed website content: Provide interactive comparison tools like mortgage calculators, rate comparison charts, and affordability calculators that empower potential buyers
  • Social proof and reviews: Share success stories on your website and social media channels

These strategies provide additional detail that potential buyers need to make the most informed decisions for their unique scenario.

Stage 3: Decision

At the decision stage, potential homebuyers have researched and are ready to choose a mortgage product and lender.

This is a critical point where buyers need reassurance and support to finalize their decision.

Key considerations for homebuyers at this stage include:

  • Finalizing the choice of mortgage product and lender
  • Understanding the application process and required documentation
  • Seeking peace of mind through testimonials and case studies
  • Needing readily accessible assistance for any last-minute questions or concerns

Marketing strategies at this stage should focus on providing clear, concise information and offering personalized support.

Mortgage marketing ideas for decision stage

Because potential buyers are seeking validation and support, they need the following content and resources:

  • Testimonials: Share detailed testimonials and case studies from previous clients who successfully obtained mortgages through your brokerage
  • Clear calls-to-action (CTAs): Make sure your website has dedicated landing pages for specific products and clear CTAs that guide potential clients to take the next step, such as “Apply Now” or “Get Pre-Approved”
  • One-on-one consultations: Offer personalized consultations or assign dedicated advisors to help potential clients navigate the final steps of the mortgage process
  • Transparent application process: Create step-by-step guides that explain the mortgage application process, required documentation, and timelines

These mortgage marketing strategies will help you give potential buyers the confidence and reassurance they need to proceed with their mortgage applications.

Stage 4: Retention

Your client has completed their mortgage transaction—but your work isn’t over!

The retention stage focuses on maintaining client relationships to encourage repeat business and generate referrals.

This stage involves providing ongoing support, offering valuable resources, and ensuring clients feel appreciated.

Considerations for this stage include:

  • Keeping clients informed about market trends and refinancing options
  • Building loyalty and encouraging referrals
  • Maintaining regular communication to stay top-of-mind

Mortgage marketing ideas for retention stage

Mortgages are a long-term commitment, and your clients will likely require your services again in the future to refinance, tap into home equity, or purchase a new home.

Your strategies in this stage might include:

  • Follow-up emails and newsletters: Send regular emails and newsletters that provide market updates, tips for new homeowners, and news about interest rate changes or refinancing opportunities
  • Loyalty programs and referral incentives: Reward clients for repeat business and offer incentives to encourage satisfied clients to refer friends and family
  • Community engagement and events: Host workshops and seminars on topics relevant to homeowners or organize events to show appreciation for your clients
  • Ongoing support and resources: Provide content such as maintenance checklists, tax tips, and advice on home equity management, or offer a dedicated support email for clients to reach out with any questions or concerns
  • Social media presence: Share helpful content, respond to comments and messages, and highlight client testimonials

Keep clients informed about refinancing options in high-interest markets if interest rates drop.

Your consistent support and engagement will strengthen your reputation and presence in the market—and lead to repeat business and referrals!

Support every step of the way

Need help crafting campaigns tailored to each step of the homebuyer’s journey?

Kaleidico’s hands-on team has the expertise to get the desired results—generating internet leads and moving those leads through the sales funnel to close more loans.

Mortgage marketing ideas: The buyer’s journey FAQ

How to advertise mortgage loans?

Advertising mortgage loans involves using various marketing channels such as online ads, social media, content marketing, email campaigns, and local events to reach potential homebuyers.

It’s essential to provide clear, informative content that addresses common concerns and highlights the benefits of your mortgage products.

What do mortgage customers want?

Mortgage customers typically seek competitive interest rates, clear and transparent terms, responsive customer service, and guidance throughout homebuying.

They value personalized advice, easy access to information, and tools that help them understand their mortgage options and make informed decisions.

How do mortgage agents find clients?

Mortgage agents find clients through networking, referrals, digital marketing, social media engagement, attending community events, and partnering with real estate agents.

Building a strong online presence and providing valuable content can also attract potential clients who are actively searching for mortgage information.

About Marissa Beste
Marissa Beste is a freelance writer with a background in journalism, technology, marketing, and horticulture. She has worked in print and digital media, ecommerce, and direct care, with roots in the greenhouse industry. Marissa digs into all types of content for Kaleidico with a focus on marketing and mortgages.

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