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What makes a successful lead generation campaign
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Do you have a lead generation campaign running?
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2016 has barely only begun, so it’s the perfect time for you to start thinking about your company’s first lead generation campaign of the year.

During the holidays, you probably noticed that the number of qualified leads has decreased, which is normal. But when this dead period ends, it’s time for you to craft a campaign that will get potential leads’ attention, so that your team will start making sales again.

In this article, we will point out what the most important elements of a successful lead generation campaign are.

What makes a successful lead generation campaign

1. Understanding and researching your audience

If you don’t know what defines the audience you’re targeting with the campaign or what drives them to click on a call to action button, then you shouldn’t start writing any promotional messages just yet.

The idea behind the research is to figure out not only what will grab your ideal audience’s attention, but also what will make them take the desired action.

2. Give something before you ask for something

Nowadays, your website’s visitors can sometimes have second thoughts when it comes to leaving their email addresses or clicking on that “Sign up for Free” button.

How can you make sure that doesn’t happen, you ask? With what marketers call a “lead magnet”. A lead magnet can be anything from an eBook, a training session, a webinar, a free trial or white paper.

The characteristic of a lead magnet is that it provides value to the person who will offer you their personal information.

3. Conversion techniques

Landing pages are great for a lead generation campaign since you can easily draw in leads with them.

Why? Because landing pages generally have a single call to action. Still, when creating a landing page, you should have in mind the one goal that you want to achieve.

In order to do that, make sure that you don’t add information that has nothing to do with the purpose of the landing page. Also, the ad or the message that links to the landing page needs to deliver on the promise (free eBook, 2 months of free trial).

4. Tell the story of your ideal client

We usually resonate with businesses because they’ve been able to figure out exactly what our problem is. They were able to put it into words and, ultimately, find a solution for it.

That’s what a successful lead generation campaign should do. It should make a visitor say “Wow, they really understand what I need. I should take a look to see what they offer”.

5. Test, test, test

You can’t run a campaign for lead generation without testing different scenarios all the time. Things can sometimes not go how you’d expect them to, so measure the results, see if they align with your KPIs and then test again. Test the design, the copy and the conversion elements.

Once you have it all figured out, you can rest assured that quality leads will come your way.

Do you have a lead generation campaign running?

If you don’t, then what are you waiting for?

In case lead generation is a pain for you, you can let us do the work. We will optimize your website, we will improve your website’s SEO and we will design an appropriate sales funnel for your business.

Introduce us to your business and we’ll review your website or business plan and make initial SEO recommendations — for free! Call us at 313-338-9515 or email us at hello@kaleidico.com.

About Bill Rice
Bill Rice is the Founder & CEO of Kaleidico. Bill is an expert in designing online lead generation strategies and programs. Kaleidico blends web design, development, SEO, PPC, content marketing, and email marketing to generate leads for mortgage lenders, law firms, fintech, and other businesses looking to grow a consumer-direct online strategy.

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