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How Email Can Convert Paid Traffic
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How to Get PPC Traffic into Your Email Marketing Funnel
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Why to Connect Your Traffic to Your Email Marketing
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Your marketing does a great job of driving PPC traffic to your landing page. The question is, what happens next? If your marketing strategy mixes email marketing with your Google PPC campaigns, congrats. If not, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to drive more conversions and sign ups.

How Email Can Convert Paid Traffic

A complete funnel should involve not only getting prospects to your website or landing page but converting that traffic — which you’re paying for — into loyal customers. While it’s true that some ad clickers may be ready to buy on their first visit to your website, most won’t be ready. Instead, they will need strategic lead nurturing through multiple touches to convert.

Email marketing remains one of the best ways to nurture new web leads and convert traffic into subscribers and customers. Email is personalized, it puts prospects in an action-taking mindset, and best of all for you, it can be automated with an autoresponder and drip campaign.

With an effective automated setup, your email marketing can take more of your PPC visitors to the next stage of your funnel, delivering more sales and conversions.

How to Get PPC Traffic into Your Email Marketing Funnel

You need to assemble several components to make your paid traffic take the leap from site visitor to an email subscriber. All the effort for this system is upfront. Once you have your system in place, automatically scheduled email collateral and content pieces do most of the work for you. To get started, there are three things you need to set up:

  • A valuable free offer.
  • Well-crafted email collateral.
  • A strategy that leads to asking for the sale.

The Offer

If your PPC campaigns are successful, you’re getting potential customers to your site with an effective sales message. Now, you just take that to the next level. Offer your page visitors something for free in exchange for their email. Of course, this won’t be just any freebie; it has to be an offer that solves an important customer problem.

For example, consider how a prospect could find value in a free, plain-language guide to picking a Medicare supplement insurance plan, an all-in-one mortgage application checklist for first-time buyers, or a free on-demand webinar demoing how a new business website could double your conversion rate. The key is to focus on a crucial problem your target market needs to solve.

The Collateral

Your prospect has trusted you with their email in exchange for their freebie. To keep their attention and win a future sale, your email collateral has to be great. Everything — from subject headlines to content, to calls to action, to tone, to pacing — has to be carefully executed to give you the best ROI possible.

This will obviously take time and practice to get right. You take the time upfront to craft great headlines that produce high open rates, and good copy that gets high click-through rates. If your rates aren’t so high? Iterate until it is.

The reason you need the quality of your emails to be high should be obvious. A great email campaign will get your emails read and your website revisited, hopefully until your prospect is ready to purchase.

The Sale

When the time comes to ask for the sale, do it. Don’t be shy. But before you get there, make sure your initial emails continue to offer value and help with the problem that earned you an email sign-up in the first place. Expect this to take several emails, spread out over days, weeks, or longer, depending on your pipeline.

And when you do ask for the sale, make sure your purchase offer is tied closely to your freebie offer and your email content. You won’t have much luck getting a prospect who’s downloaded your Medicare guide to purchase your car insurance a month later. That’s not what they’re looking for. However, you may have a lot of success selling them on a supplemental coverage policy.

Why to Connect Your Traffic to Your Email Marketing

Driving conversions, sign-ups, and sales are likely the heart of your business. It’s important not to drop the ball after you get paid traffic to your website. Even with the best of websites, you’ll lose out on sales to visitors who would’ve bought — if only they’d been nurtured through email marketing for a bit longer. Make sure to seize that available opportunity by connecting your traffic generating marketing and your lead nurturing marketing into one, results-driving sales funnel that will take your business to the next level.

Get expert advice on how to improve your web conversions from an experienced team of digital marketers. Call us at 313-338-9515 or email hello@kaleidico.com to learn how our full-service digital agency can help you succeed.

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