Overcome Sales Objections
When it comes to sales objections, you will often find that most perceived objections are often not actually objections at all. Actually, they’re more likely questions about your product or service. Here are a few sales tips on handling some perceived objections that will help you turn a customer’s concern into a positive selling point that moves you forward to closing your sale.
1. “This seems like an useful service, but it will take too long to start bringing in money. We need to boost our profits immediately.”
What the customer is really asking here is for a clear explanation of the rate of return on his investment. Simply provide the customer with some examples demonstrating how your service has been successfully implemented in the past to deliver a respectable profit in a very short period of time.
2. “I don’t know if we have the time to implement a service like this. It looks like a bit of hassle to get set up.”
This sales objection is virtually the same as the previous example. The customer is focused on the day-to-day operations of his business and is simply asking you how much effort is involved to get your service up and running. Be prepared to provide a crystal clear explanation of just how simple it is to implement your service into a business’s daily operations.
3. “It’s too expensive.”
When you are selling a product that is worth every penny of its price tag, you should think of this objection as a compliment. Do not attempt to contradict the customer by arguing whether or not the product is overpriced. Instead, acknowledge the customers objection and reply with a concise and convincing presentation of the product’s rapid rate of return.
4. “I already have tools/interns who can complete this work for free.”
Again, it is important to get past the negative tone that is implied by sales objections and to focus on what the customer is really asking here. The customer is simply asking you to demonstrate the value offered by your service compared to substandard services. Simply go down a point by point list of the types of features that your service has to offer that your customer will never find with free tools or inexperienced interns.
5. “We are doing just fine without your service, so why do we need it now?”
This is another perceived objection where the customer is just asking what value your service offers his organization. Be straight with them and remind them that there is a difference between doing just fine and doing your best. Lay it out in dollars and cents how your service will have a direct impact on their bottom line.