Open Ended Sales Questions

Listening to Customers Through Open Sales Questions

Plenty of research has been on common sales questions done over the years. It has revealed that when talking with a potential client, it is important that you don’t lead or persuade a prospect into answering sales questions in a particular way. It is important to have the customer give a real honest answer to involve him or her in the sales process. Many sales tips include steering clear of yes or no questions by asking open ended question. Open ended question usually start with the words how, what, which, when, or where.
Here are ten great open ended questions to help land a sale:
1. “What has brought you in to see me today?”
2. “Why are you looking for a particular product or service?”
3. “Where do you currently get this product or service?”
4. “What do you currently like or dislike about this product or service?”
5. “What challenges have you faced in the past?”
Building rapport is another sales tip. If the potential customer feels they have a relationship with the sales person, they will be more likely to complete a sale. To help build rapport use the following open ended questions:

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6. “How would you like this product or service to benefit you?”
7. “What about this product or service is important to you?”
8. “When would you need this?”
9. “What concerns do you have?”
The last open ended question is a great sales tip for a situation when the sales person doesn’t get enough information to make a good recommendation in order to complete the sale.
10. “How so?” or “Why is that?”
By using open ended questions, a sales person can make an appropriate recommendation and provide a product or service based on the customer specific needs. The sales person can feel they did a service for the customer instead of just being a product pusher. This will lead to better sales numbers and referrals.

About Bill Rice
Bill Rice is the Founder & CEO of Kaleidico. Bill is an expert in designing online lead generation strategies and programs. Kaleidico blends web design, development, SEO, PPC, content marketing, and email marketing to generate leads for mortgage lenders, law firms, fintech, and other businesses looking to grow a consumer-direct online strategy.

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